The Peninsula Circle
People of all ages walk around Nesið for health and enjoyment, taking in the breathtaking views and natural surroundings. This 5 km circular route follows the coastline of Seltjarnarnes, starting from the parking lot at Grótta. The walk heads south along the shoreline, passing Bakkatjörn, before turning left near the golf course onto a paved walking and cycling path that follows the southern coast of the peninsula. The trail continues eastward across Nesið, passing the swimming pool and Eiðistorg, before reaching the northern shore. From there, the route turns left and heads west back to the starting point at Grótta. A great addition to the walk is a visit to the artwork Kvika by artist Ólöf Nordal, located on Kisuklappir by the shoreline, where visitors can dip their toes in the pool. The water in the pool comes from cooled geothermal boreholes on Seltjarnarnes and is known for its unique composition and reputed health benefits.
Parking lot by Grótta
Detailed Information
Cumulative Elevation Gain
Maximum Altitude
Path Visibility
Path Lighting
Path Surface
Path Width
Path Dangers
Path Obstacles
Gpx Start Point
Gpx Starting Point Elevation
Cumulative Elevation Loss
Maximum Altitude Coordination
Minimum Altitude
Minimum Altitude Coordinations
Route Distance
Parking lot by Grótta